Java design patterns facade

Java design patterns facade with Example

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Introduction to Java design patterns facade

Java design patterns facade is a part of design pattern and categorized under Structural design patterns. It provides a simplified (but limited) interface to a complex system of classes, libraries, or frameworks.
While Facade reduces the general complexity of the application, it additionally helps with moving undesirable conditions to one spot.

let us discuss an example that will be solved by this particular Pattern.

As the name suggests, it means the face of the building. The people walking past the road can only see the glass face of the building. They do not know anything about it, the wiring, the pipes, and other complexities. Same like that Facade hides all the complexities of the building and displays a friendly face.

Identification to Java design patterns facade

Facade can be identified in a class that has a straightforward interface, yet appoints the majority of the work to different classes. Generally, facades deal with the full life pattern of objects they use.

Implementation to Java design patterns facade

We are going to create a Shape interface and concrete classes implementing the Shape interface. A facade class ShapeMaker is defined as the next step. ShapeMaker class uses concrete classes to delegate user calls to these classes. FacadePatternDemo, our demo class, will use ShapeMaker class to show the results.
  1. Make an interface.
  2. Make substantial classes carrying out a similar interface.
  3. Make a facade class.
  4. Utilize the facade to draw different sorts of shapes.
  5. Confirm the result.

Diagram of Java Design Patterns Facade

Diagram of Java Design Patterns Facade is coming soome.

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